How to Get a Parenting Agreement

Getting a parenting agreement in place is important for divorced or separated couples with children. A parenting agreement is a legal document that details the custody and visitation arrangements for children. It is essential for the well-being of the children and can prevent conflicts and legal battles in the future. Below are the steps to get a parenting agreement.

1. Discuss with the other parent: The first step in getting a parenting agreement is to talk with the other parent and try to come to an agreement about custody and visitation arrangements. This can be done through informal discussions or with the help of a mediator.

2. Hire a lawyer: If you are unable to come to an agreement with the other parent, it may be necessary to hire a lawyer who specializes in family law. The lawyer can help you negotiate with the other parent and draft the parenting agreement.

3. Determine custody arrangements: The parenting agreement should detail the custody arrangements for the children. This includes deciding whether one parent will have sole custody or if both parents will have joint custody. Joint custody can be either legal (decision-making authority) or physical (where the child lives).

4. Decide on visitation: The parenting agreement should also specify when the non-custodial parent will have visitation with the children. This can include weekends, holidays, and school breaks. The agreement will also specify the duration and location of the visits.

5. Consider child support: Child support is a crucial aspect of the parenting agreement. The agreement should detail the amount of child support that the non-custodial parent will pay to the custodial parent. The child support amount is determined by the state`s guidelines.

6. Review and sign the agreement: Once the parenting agreement is drafted, it should be reviewed by both parents and their lawyers. Any changes or modifications can be made at this time. Once both parties agree to the terms of the agreement, it should be signed and notarized.

In conclusion, getting a parenting agreement is crucial for the well-being of children and can prevent conflicts and legal battles in the future. These steps will guide you in the process of getting a parenting agreement. It is important to consult with a qualified family law attorney to help you through the process.