Operating Engineers Local 3 Master Agreement 2019 California

Operating Engineers Local 3 Master Agreement 2019 California: Everything You Need to Know

Operating Engineers Local 3 is one of the largest construction trades in California, representing over 39,000 members who work in various fields, including crane operators, heavy equipment operators, mechanics, and surveyors. Operating Engineers Local 3 Master Agreement 2019 California is a critical document that outlines the labor contract between the union and employers.

Key Provisions of the 2019 Master Agreement

The Operating Engineers Local 3 2019 Master Agreement covers a wide range of topics that directly affect the working conditions and benefits of union members. Here are some of the crucial provisions:

Wages: The agreement establishes minimum wage rates based on the type of work and geographic location. The rates vary from $50.61 per hour in the Redding area to $70.60 per hour in San Francisco.

Benefits: Members covered by the agreement are entitled to comprehensive medical, dental, and vision insurance, as well as pension and annuity plans. The agreement also includes provisions for life insurance, disability insurance, and legal services.

Working conditions: The agreement sets the standard for working hours, overtime pay, and vacation time. It also establishes safety protocols and training requirements to ensure a safe working environment.

Apprenticeship program: The agreement includes a robust apprenticeship program that provides members with the necessary skills and knowledge to advance in their careers. The program is a four-year commitment where participants receive on-the-job training and classroom instruction.

Impacts of the Master Agreement on Employers

Operating Engineers Local 3 Master Agreement 2019 California has the potential to impact employers in several ways. First, employers must comply with the minimum wage rates and benefits outlined in the agreement. Failure to do so can lead to legal consequences and damage the relationship between the union and the employer.

Secondly, employers must ensure that their working conditions meet the standards set in the agreement. This includes providing a safe working environment and offering training and development opportunities for employees.

Lastly, the apprenticeship program provided by the agreement can be an excellent opportunity for employers to train their current employees or recruit new talent. By participating in the program, employers can help cultivate a skilled and knowledgeable workforce that is critical for their long-term success.


The Operating Engineers Local 3 Master Agreement 2019 California is a crucial document that outlines the labor contract between the union and employers. It establishes minimum wage rates, benefits, working conditions, and an apprenticeship program. Employers must comply with the provisions of the agreement to avoid legal consequences and maintain a positive relationship with the union. Additionally, the apprenticeship program can be an excellent opportunity for employers to train their workforce and promote long-term success.